Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Winter Break Homework

Follow these steps to complete the winter break homework:

Day 1: 30-40 minutes

1. Make sure you have your bubble answer sheet ready.  You can email Ms. Moore for a copy of your answer sheet.  (kmoore@cpcsschool.org)  If you lost your answer sheet and need a new one you will forfeit your homework pass.

2. Click on this link for the practice test.

3. Skim through the whole test.

4. Choose 10 questions you know the answers to right away.  Answer these questions on your bubble sheet and put a star by those 10 answers. 

Day 2: 30-40 minutes

Answer 20 more questions you know for sure.  Continue to draw a star next to any questions you are certain you know.  You can use the internet and other resources to help you answer questions.  If you look up an answer online be sure to write "I" next to the answer to show you got help on that question.

Day 3: 20-30 minutes

Answer 15 more questions.  Use the internet or a dictionary as a reference to help you with vocabulary that is challenging.  Take an educated guess about questions you don't know.

Day 4: 30-40 minutes

Complete the rest of the questions.  Enjoy the rest of your break!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Unit 2: Dynamic Equilibrium: Other Organisms

Unit 2: November 22-February 1

Homework Links

PROJECT: Click here for animal phylum choices. 

PROJECT: Click here for research website.

Choose an invertebrate animal for your project and then click here: 
Animal Phylum Project Link

OWL PELLET LAB: Click here for the online lab

"Other Organisms" refers to living things that are not humans.  In Unit 2 we examine how other living things are similar to and different from humans.
  • Unit 2 Introduction: What characteristics do all living things share?  The picture shows the notes from an ongoing discussion about living things.  This is a list of characteristics all living things share:
    • Made of cells
    • Take in energy
    • Use energy
    • Exchange gases
    • Reproduce
    • Contain DNA
    • Contain water
    • Go through a life cycle 
  • Animals: move at some point, eat food, digest food, are made of many cells
    • Invertebrates - animals with no bones (35 groups)
    • Chordates - includes Vertebrates - animals with bones (5 groups)
  • Plants 
    • Characteristics
    • Classification

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


UNIT 1 EXAM: Friday, November 18

Interactive Game for Human Organs

Put the man back together!

Topics to study for Unit 1 Exam:

EXCRETORY / URINARY SYSTEM - Watch the VIDEO we watched in class about Iyanti Browne on dialysis.

Parts of the Urinary system:
  • Kidneys - filter the blood
  • Ureters - tubes from the kidneys to the bladder
  • Bladder - muscular bag that holds urine
  • Urethra - tube that passes urine from bladder to outside of body
Other ways waste is excreted (removed) from the body:
  • Skin - sweating
  • Respiration - exhale carbon dioxide and water
  • Digestion - solid waste that is not digested from your food
  • The nervous system sends signals from your brain, down your spinal cord and through your nerves to control movement and responses to your environment
  • The Autonomic Nervous System controls body functions you don't think about

  • Muscles cross bones 
  • Muscles contract (get shorter) and pull on bones to create movement 
  • 3 types: smooth (internal organs), cardiac (heart), and skeletal (for movement, connected to your skeleton)
  • 2 ways muscles are controlled: voluntary (you think about it), involuntary (you don't think about it)
  • tendons connect muscles to bones

  • provide support for your body
  • make red blood cells
  • provide protection for soft internal organs
  • ligaments connect bones to bones
  • Know the names and locations of at least 10 bones.

Air you breathe in has more oxygen, air you breathe out has more carbon dioxide.
The millions of alveoli increase the surface area, just like the villi in the small intestine. This helps to increase the amount of oxygen that diffuses into your bloodstream.

  • Path of Air:
  • nose - air is cleaned by tiny hairs called cilia
  • pharynx - throat, epiglottis is a flap of tissue that covers the trachea when you swallow food
  • larynx - voicebox
  • trachea - windpipe, made of flexible cartilage
  • bronchi - 2 branches of the trachea
  • bronchioles - more branches in the lungs
  • alveoli - tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles, touch capillaries in the circulatory system to transfer oxygen into your blood stream
Schoolhouse Rock Circulation Song

Your Circulatory System is made of three main components:

  1. Heart - 4 chambers
    1. 2 upper - atriums
    2. 2 lower - ventricles
  2. Blood vessels
    1. arteries
    2. veins
    3. capillaries
  3. Blood

Monday, February 22, 2016

Unit 3 Topics and Practice Sites

Unit 3: Reproduction, Heredity & Evolution

Topic 1: Reproduction

Image result for asexual reproduction
  • Asexual Reproduction
    • no sperm and egg needed
    • one parent
    • exact copy of the organism is created
    • some animals and plants
    • bacteria and protists 
    • cell division: mitosis
  • Sexual Reproduction
    • combining of genes from two parents
    • sperm cell and egg cell combine
    • animals and plants
Topic 2: Meiosis vs. Mitosis

Topic 3: Genetics
  • Vocabulary
    • Heredity
    • Genetics
    • Inheritance
    • Allele
    • Dominant allele
    • Recessive allele
    • Homozygous
    • Heterozygous
    • Genotype
    • Phenotype
    • Punnett square - play this fun game to help you review!
Topic 4: Mutations
Topic 5: Evolution
  • Change Over Time
  • Natural Selection, survival of the fittest
  • Charles Darwin
  • Evidence for Evolution