Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Respiratory System

Click here to watch the video we saw in class today.

Complete any blanks in your notes.

Rewrite your notes using either a concept map or a drawing.  This must be done by hand, not on the computer.

Friday, May 29, 2015

CPCS Summer Science Homework

Summer Science Homework For All 6th Grade scholars entering 7th Grade

Objective: I will be able to...
  • Use my reading skills to stay up-to-date on science current events.
  • Use my critical thinking skills to analyze the data from the article.
  • Use my writing skills to construct a written piece of evidence to show my understanding. 
  • Read a science-related article from the newspaper, magazine or one of the following websites: Popular Science, NOVA, New York Times, Time for Kids, National Geographic, Earth and Sky Kids or Earth and Sky, NPR, Nature,,
  • Write a Claim/Evidence and Personal Response to the following questions:
    • How can this apply to your daily life?  
    • What is the scientist claiming about his or her finding? 
    • Explain whether you agree or disagree with the scientist's claim.
    • What background knowledge did you use to help you understand and/or infer the meaning of the article?

  • See THIS EXAMPLE to help you. 
    Use this rubric to edit your work.
    Scholar work must be typed with the article attached or a link to the article.
    Due on the first day of school.
  • You may also email your completed assignment to Ms. Moore at